Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here I am again, don't give up, we'll get to the good stuff, OK?

       Why did I say “I hope I’m not too late”?

       I have spoken to a lot of people about improving their health through natural approaches, and a few of them did not live to see me again. At about the turn of this year, I decided that I should share with all of my friends some of the health observations that I have made, and, maybe I could even save a life. I would like to share things that I consider to be enlightening and sometimes even shocking at the simplicity of application. Some items are available at very little cost, and others at considerable cost.  But, I have found that there are not a few, but many things that we can do to improve our health.

          The only thing required by you is a desire to learn new things about healthy living. Some may say “I don’t have to learn anything at all, I just go to my doctor and let him tell me what to do”. I have found that a person who leaves all the responsibility for his health in the doctor’s hands; keeps the doctor unnecessarily busy and that person is probably sick most of the time, because he/she thinks that they can eat whatever tastes good and the doctor will fix any problem that occurs. I know of many people who read books incessantly about a number of subjects (usually “junk books”), but if you will start to educate yourself about ways to improve your health naturally, what could be more important, and you may find that this new interest could save your life and that of your loved ones.

          We are living in the information age, where everyone will soon know that just as in some areas of electronics and communication, we are advanced incredibly, at the same time, we are falling way short of our nutritional needs. There are plenty of studies showing how the food that we buy in the local market today is missing some of the vital nutrients which we were designed to receive from our food on the pristine planet which once existed. Oh, the planet is still here, but due to a lot of reasons such as, over farming methods, green picking of produce, lengthy shipping, and even cooking our food, all lowers the end product that we put into our bodies and expect perfect health in return. If that were not enough, there are toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink, and last but not least physical and emotional stress also takes its toll on our health.

        Here are some alarming facts:
·        1 out of 2 people will die of a heart attack.
·        1 out of 3 people will get cancer.
·        1 out of 2 people will get an autoimmune disease.
·        3 out of 4 people will get a degenerative disease.

       It is the typical medical response for chronic illnesses and disease to use pharmaceuticals for treatment. It is clear to me that the “feeling ill-take a pill” approach is not working. Not with the problem of illnesses not responding to antibiotics and others simply without a medical cure at all.

        Around the world people are beginning to ask “why are we getting sick in the first place? And, how can we protect our family and those we love from disease? How can the cause of the problem be addressed and not just the symptoms”?

          Since drugs have lots of side effects, what are the safe alternatives to the traditional pharmaceutical approach to restore health in the body? Does the traditional allopathic healthcare system have the answer for chronic illness and disease? Not likely.

           In fact here are some alarming statistics from the year 2002.
      *     More than 196,000 people die and 2.2 million are injured each year by                                                                                       adverse reactions to prescription drugs, the third leading cause of death in the U.S.A.
     *          The annual death toll from hospitalization and out patient care exceeds                         424,000 per year.
     *       Retail prescription drug sales are rising at well over 18% from previous years.
      *      The highest increase of drug consumption is in the age group of children 2-5 years old.

        If you are looking to your family doctor to restore your health and longevity… You may be wasting your time, and sooner or later disappointed. Most doctors have been trained to treat the symptoms of disease, or even emergency medical problems at which they excel, but not preventative nutrition.

When we hear about major food corporations trying to sell us things that are not necessarily good for us, we think “Oh well, I guess it’s all about money”. Or if it’s a major oil company doing ongoing research, “just for our benefit”, we can see through that too, and realize that it’s really all about the bottom line. But, when we hear that (also in 2002) the combined profits of the 10 drug companies in the Fortune 500 were $35.9 billion (that’s more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together), we really do want to believe that these big corporations are trying to find a cure for all of our maladies…. Is it possible that treating a disease, ie: taking a pill for the rest of our lives, is more profitable for the drug company, than finding a cure at all?  Especially if that cure involves a non toxic plant source nutrient which is probably not even patentable.

According to the World Health Organization:  “There are two obstacles to vibrant health and longevity:  ignorance and complacency”.

I would like to help lift you out of complacency, and inspire you to learn about what you can do for yourself and your family with sometimes very little expense, and some non-toxic approaches to healthy living. Are you ready? See next post.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just beginning, please be patient, reply at will

Health Observations Blog

Hi!  This is Vernon, I am 64 years on this green earth, that G_d has blessed us with. I have a brother Arlie in Washington state whom I love very much, and we had a sister Lynette, who died in 1981 from breast cancer. It’s in her memory and love that I would like to speak with you about a journey towards better health, a worthwhile journey.

We have probably all heard the saying that “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”. Have you ever tried it? My brother eats probably two or three apples a day since moving to the northwest, and says that he hasn’t been sick at all since moving up there about 8 years ago. (Maybe he’s just been too busy with his lovely wife and family). When I was living in Florida, some 35 years ago, I met a man who was the head of maintenance in a large Hotel on the beach of Ft. Lauderdale. He told me that he had not lost a days work from sickness in 26 years. Wow!!  I asked him to what did he owe his good health? He said, “Oh I don’t know really, but I do eat a lot of apples”__ “Here have one” as he picked up one of many off his desk to hand me. My mother must have also believed this, as she used to peel and slice me an apple every morning for years and hand it to me in a small plastic bag as I headed out to work each day.

            Some may say, “why keep the doctor away”? “he gives me my medication for high blood pressure, my diabetes meds, and monitors my heart arrhythmia”. And as I have heard some say, “other than that, I am perfectly healthy”. If that is what you want, then fine, that is what you can have. Man kind has been blessed above the animal kingdom, we have the option to choose what is right for each of us on this journey called life.

            I would like to find a balance between seeing a doctor when I have a broken arm to set, and living my life more in tune with nature and avoiding medications which are toxic by necessity, or they would never pass the FDA approval board. (I understand, that every medication which passed the approval of the FDA, was first put through an LD50 test (among many others, of course) which means that the drug was first used on mice and the toxicity rating was set only after the dosage was increased until 50 mice died). Please correct me if I am wrong.

            You are never too young to start taking care of your health. You might ask, “Is that all I have to do is eat an apple every day? Unfortunately not, or we could all be healthy, as long as there were no apple viruses which would wipe out the crop. But, an apple a day might be a good place to start. I know, we would all rather eat a large milk chocolate bar every day, (I prefer mine with hazel nuts). Maybe you don’t like chocolate,
But, I think that you know what I mean.  Even, if you are not taking any medications, and on the last doctors’ visit, all of your results were within the borders of “normal”, I have rarely seen anyone who did not need to improve their education about better health.

            So, how can we achieve better health while living in a world where chocolate bars, potato chips, soft drinks, and other non essential foods abound on every shelf in life? That is why I am writing this blog. I have found at least some of the answers for myself, and I would like to share some of my observations with you, if by chance these may also help you. I hope that I am not too late in applying myself to “pen” these things to you.