Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012

Friends, I have just recently returned from a trip to the US and was very pleased to find that some of my friends and relatives are among the growing percentage of the population who are actually seeking answers to better health through nutrition and natural foods as opposed to the medical or pharmaceutical approach.

I do not prescribe to the all too familiar line that “I was genetically programmed to be fat”, “or predisposed to cancer or high blood pressure, heart trouble”, or other such brain games that would release any of us of personal responsibility for our health and well being. Whatever, (If any) genetic factor is involved, I believe that most of this can be overcome when there is sufficient desire to do so.

I do believe that improved health is in our own hands “and heart” to achieve.  How is this possible, you may ask?  By seeking knowledge in the areas of nutrition, the food we eat, exercise, positive mental attitude, good sleep, stress reduction and reducing exposure to toxins, whether through the food we eat, smoking, household cleaning agents, work environment, or pharmaceuticals.

Yes, there is plenty of information in ever increasing amounts out there for you to learn from. Ours is the privilege and challenge to choose the good and reject the “not so good” information that is available.

Through this diligent endeavour, I believe that we can learn what is good and beneficial to our health. Once we posses this new information, then it is up to us to follow our heart in the daily implementation of that.

I was visiting a very good friend’s house recently and saw a little note on his refrigerator which read “When the heart speaks, __Listen!”  This same friend is in very poor health due to extreme obesity. I can’t help but wonder “does he listen to his heart, or does he really not know that he is killing himself”? Or, do any of us understand that, life is really all about those around us and how our daily actions (or inactions) may affect those we love and who also love us. My daily challenge is how do we help someone whom we love and care about, if they are not willing to help themselves?  I once heard that we can take care of each other best, not by the approach that “I will take care of you for me, if you will take care of me for you”. But, rather, “I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me”. In other words, you alone are responsible for your health and no one else, no, not even your doctor.

This is not to say that obesity is an easy problem to solve, and it is definitely a serious health issue. I should here apologise to my family and friends in the US whom I recently visited. I was using the flimsy excuse that I was enjoying foods and tastes that I had not experienced in about 10 years, and indulged myself to gain another 10 lbs during a 2 month visit on top of already 25 lbs over a healthy weight for my 6 foot 7 inch frame. I was not a good example of a healthy physique. I am pleased however to announce that since my return, I have lost 15 lbs of the extra weight and intend to continue losing until I reach the appropriate weight for my stature.

Fortunately, I love fresh fruits and vegetables and have also been avoiding starches such as pasta, bread, potatoes, processed foods and other high glycemic foods. This and other dietary adjustments are what work for me. What works for you? Even a slight positive change could help your health, then, compliment yourself and make another positive adjustment. Whether it’s breaking a bad habit, or just creating new and healthier habits—don’t give up; your health, your life, and your family’s overall happiness starts with you making good choices in life.  And, these positive choices could in turn help others in other families and on out to your community.

If you would like to read a highly informative book on how to improve your own nutrition and help save your family and coming generations from toxic overload, I highly  recommend the book, "How to survive on a Toxic Planet" by Doctor Steve Nugent.

In the future blogs, I will direct you to other books or web sites which may be helpful to you in your quest for increased knowledge on health and healing – naturally. I would also welcome your input or suggestions in this area which may help us all.

"Web in” next week on this same blog and I will tell you how to lose weight, increase your mental ability, libido, and decrease your chances of cancer, heart disease and more for only about $3.50 a week at your local safeway market.
Too good to be true??  Too simple??  Check it out.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Information on how to acheive better health naturally.

Friends, If you would like to know more about "How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself", I would highly recommend a book by Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.  Spontaneous Healing. In this book, Dr Weil (a graduate of Harvard Medical School) states that "The body can heal itself. Spontaneous healing is not a miracle but a fact of biology--the result of the natural healing system that each one of us is born with. Drawing on fascinating case histories as well as medical techniques from around the world. Dr Andrew Weil shows how spontaneous healing has resolved life-threatening diseases, severe trauma, and chronic pain. Weil then outlines an eight-week program in which you'll discover:
  • The truth about spontaneous healing and how it interacts with the mind.
  • The foods, vitamins, supplements, and tonic herbs that will help you enhance your innate healing powers.
  • Advice on how to avoid environment toxins and reduce stress.
  • The strengths and Weaknesses of conventional and alternativef treatments.
I have found a wealth of information and inspiration from reading this book.

Natural methods to ameliorate common kinds of illnesses.

Books and Web sites that may be of interest for improving your health.


If you would like to know more about "How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself", I highly recommend the book by Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., titled Spontaneous Healing

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Disclaimer and more

Vernon’s Health Observations blog #4

Please read the following Disclaimer before using this site.

                   Disclaimer and conditions of use

Please read the disclaimer carefully before using this site. By using this site, you signify your assent to this disclaimer. If you do not agree to this disclaimer, please do not use the site: Honest Abe (Vernon)

Usage Disclaimer:
As specified, I am not a doctor, so any and all information on this World Wide Web site are presented as observations by myself and others when specified, only for your interest and education.

Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s) and webmaster are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques or the information on this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk.

If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility for such decision or action.

The information presented through this World Wide Web site is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose to treat, cure, or mitigate any disease or condition.  Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a qualified physician.

Honestabevernon shall have no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect, special or consequential damages relating in any way to the use of information provided by honestabevernon or any of its related web sites, authors, sponsors, or resulting from any defects or failure of this information.

This site contains links to other internet sites which were found to be interesting to me and I hope also to you, but this does not indicate an endorsement by me or hold me responsible for their use and follow up. What you do with
the information on this site is your sole responsibility. In addition, it is my belief that with proper nutrition, the body has the ability to repair and heal itself of just about any condition. You should always consult your healthcare professionals before consuming supplements with pharmaceutical drugs.  Such products as mentioned herein, also do not substitute for a doctor’s care or for proven therapy.

            I’m sorry for the lengthy disclaimer, which is necessary for anyone who advocates any natural alternatives. In almost any western country, it is against the law to make any medical claims by anyone recommending nutritional products. Just this week here in Israel, I read an article headed “Class-action OK’d against supplements purporting to have medicinal value”.  Two Israeli manufacturers are being sued for claiming that their products have been “scientifically researched” and was “highly effective” in protecting children from winter illnesses naturally. …”the law does not recognize a supplement as having medical properties, even if it has been tested”.

            In Blog #3, March 28, 2011, I mentioned that my parents had received “rejuvenation” by using a special blend of glyconutrient. Before going on to other things, let me explain a little about this product.
            Near the turn of the last century, after the invention of the electron microscope, scientists were able to better understand the functioning of the human cell. New research showed that of the 200 “sugars” known to exist in nature, 8 of them are essential for normal communication between the cells. Previously, scientists believed that the proteins on the surface of every cell was responsible for communication between the cells.
It is now known that the sugars in conjunction with the proteins (glycoproteins) are necessary for cell communication and without these sugars, (most of which are missing in our modern diet), the basis for life beginning at the cellular level cannot be maintained. As your cells touch each other, they communicate over this “sugar code” everything a cell needs: nutrition, repair, hormones, etc. Without these surface sugars, your body’s “operating system” breaks down. Your body may decide to attack healthy good cells resulting in autoimmune diseases such as MS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia and arthritis, while bad cells like cancer are left to grow and multiply because your killer cells are confused. Hormones could be misdirected, leaving you with physical and emotional problems, while cells may not get the vitamins and minerals they need resulting in all kinds of disease conditions. All health, or lack of it begins at the cellular level. It has also been stated that “Growing evidence indicates that the glyconutrient supplementation supports adult stem cell production, migration, differentiation, and restoration of cellular damage.” An adult stem cell can replace blood cells killed by cancer or by such cancer treatments as radiation and chemotherapy. With proper cellular function, your body has the ability to reverse any health condition.

Researchers who study this cellular communication proclaim it to be the most important discovery in the history of medicine…the key to a long, healthy life!

            Why doesn’t your doctor tell you about this amazing discovery?? Because he probably does not know about it. Doctors get most of their new information from drug firms, so don’t expect them to recommend a natural product they don’t understand.

                                Physicians’ Desk Reference
            The PDR for Non Prescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements lists these sugars Clinically proven to be absolutely safe, glyconutrients are exactly the same sugars your body produces, making it physiologically impossible for them to interfere with prescription drugs or harm you in any way!

            Safe and natural, mother’s milk has these same essential sugars!

 In keeping with my reputation of honesty, I must add that this particular blend of 8 glyconutrients which I refer to is the most valuable addition that you could make to the improvement of your health.
`For more information on this amazing new product, contact me, or first see on your web.

News Flash !!

I have just received some information which could be of great value. Dr. Reg McDaniel MD.,
whom I have met here in Israel, has just opened a direct sales nutritional support formulation. Though, it is still new on the market, Dr. Reg is not new in the health research field. With his credentials and compassion working together, I’ll bet that this is a great product. In fact, I’ll be placing my first order with him today. Please see the attached information for your health and that of your family.

To see for yourself what is being offered by New Eden, please use this link for more information.

March 28, 2011

Health Observations Blog #3

            My interest in health developed from childhood. My parents were always aware of good wholesome food with proper preparation and as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. When I was about 8 years old, my father brought home a bushel basket of oranges for the five in our family to eat. Well, as a young and healthy child my appetite was not easily quenched and I soon broke out with a rash all over both arms, which the school nurse did not like and sent me home with some presumed diagnosis. When the doctor found that I had been eating a lot of oranges, he smiled and said: “go light on the oranges” and you’ll be OK. Well, I had a short vacation from school and was soon back to normal. At 9 years old, I got a terrible pain in my stomach after every meal, and would have to lie down from the pain. My Uncle whom we all considered to be the real “health nut” in the family, told his brother (my father), that what I needed was some “goldenseal” tea. So, I had a few doses of goldenseal tea, (probably not more that 15-20 times) after meals, and my stomach aches were totally gone.
            After my arrival in Israel, my sister also came and after a few years developed cancer and died. My father about the same time at age 60 had a stroke from the stress of working two jobs and other things. My mother was having heart arrhythmia problems and started taking several medications for it. After recovering from severe paralysis on one side, my father realized that some serious life style and diet would have to be made to survive. Well, he must have chose well, because he and mom later moved to Israel and gradually replaced nearly all of their medications with proper nutrition and a healthier lifestyle. My mother recently died peacefully at home without sickness or infection at age 87 having enjoyed a long life with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around her. My father Art, still works with me now in my retirement doing different projects around the small farm where we have settled, and also helps me in our mutual pursuance of healthy living endeavors. He appears to be in excellent health at soon to be 89, and still works hard and maintains a driving license.
            Especially, after my sister’s death, I was becoming more aware of ways to achieve better health in order to avoid such disease.
            In about the year 2000, I was invited to an in-house demonstration of Nikken Products. During that meeting, I was asked to wear a flat magnetic device called a “back flex” during the meeting “which may help relieve my lower back pain” which I had been troubled with most of my life. (From what I understood from doctors, the problem was that two vertebrae were fused together with no disc between them, maybe from birth, but there was enough movement to cause irritation and sometimes severe pain). Well, after wearing that device for about one hour during the meeting, I had completely forgotten that I had any pain, because it was gone. From then, I was so excited that I wanted to tell everyone about such wonderful products. Well, not everyone was as excited as I was, or had the same response that I had. But, in the following few years, I spent a lot of time studying about different types of modalities which may trigger healing in the human body. I have enjoyed that part of the journey even yet today. My desire to help people was the driving force behind my getting into the appliance repair business. When I left the house of a working appliance, and a happy customer, it gave me a real thrill. The idea that I could help relieve someone else’s pain and suffering must be a lot of what Doctor’s also feel. It sure seemed to surpass fixing someone’s refrigerator.

            After a few years of heavy involvement with the Nikken products, I came across some nutritional information that at first I was uneasy about, but soon fell in love with. My father and mother were 82 years old at that time, having just returned from the US., they were done traveling, and my father said later that he knew that he and mom would not be around for long and may need some outside help very soon. Well, since my office and computer are in his house (next door to mine), he also heard from a friend of mine in Australia about some very unique glyconutrient products and said that if they were even ½ what they claimed to be, that he had to try them.

            The products were not available in Israel, but he was able to purchase them through his American address since they originated in the US. And after about 3 months of diligence, he had them in his hands and started to use
them. In my fathers own words, “in just a few weeks after starting to use these products, we (my wife and I) felt as if we were being rejuvenated (what some would call reversing the aging process). Gradually we felt renewed ambition and stamina to lead a normal life, and felt better than we had 10 – 15 years previous. Only once or twice in the last 5 years did we get even a cold, and that passed very quickly without complications or infections and never any flu (without taking any flu shots). In fact since 2003 we have never even been to a doctor other than for renewal of my drivers license every two years as the law requires. I am sure that this one product added at least 5 more healthy years of life to my wife and me”. Last week, just two months before his 89th birthday, my father again passed the doctors approval for a new driving license.
For more information on this and other health observations, please see next blog.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here I am again, don't give up, we'll get to the good stuff, OK?

       Why did I say “I hope I’m not too late”?

       I have spoken to a lot of people about improving their health through natural approaches, and a few of them did not live to see me again. At about the turn of this year, I decided that I should share with all of my friends some of the health observations that I have made, and, maybe I could even save a life. I would like to share things that I consider to be enlightening and sometimes even shocking at the simplicity of application. Some items are available at very little cost, and others at considerable cost.  But, I have found that there are not a few, but many things that we can do to improve our health.

          The only thing required by you is a desire to learn new things about healthy living. Some may say “I don’t have to learn anything at all, I just go to my doctor and let him tell me what to do”. I have found that a person who leaves all the responsibility for his health in the doctor’s hands; keeps the doctor unnecessarily busy and that person is probably sick most of the time, because he/she thinks that they can eat whatever tastes good and the doctor will fix any problem that occurs. I know of many people who read books incessantly about a number of subjects (usually “junk books”), but if you will start to educate yourself about ways to improve your health naturally, what could be more important, and you may find that this new interest could save your life and that of your loved ones.

          We are living in the information age, where everyone will soon know that just as in some areas of electronics and communication, we are advanced incredibly, at the same time, we are falling way short of our nutritional needs. There are plenty of studies showing how the food that we buy in the local market today is missing some of the vital nutrients which we were designed to receive from our food on the pristine planet which once existed. Oh, the planet is still here, but due to a lot of reasons such as, over farming methods, green picking of produce, lengthy shipping, and even cooking our food, all lowers the end product that we put into our bodies and expect perfect health in return. If that were not enough, there are toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink, and last but not least physical and emotional stress also takes its toll on our health.

        Here are some alarming facts:
·        1 out of 2 people will die of a heart attack.
·        1 out of 3 people will get cancer.
·        1 out of 2 people will get an autoimmune disease.
·        3 out of 4 people will get a degenerative disease.

       It is the typical medical response for chronic illnesses and disease to use pharmaceuticals for treatment. It is clear to me that the “feeling ill-take a pill” approach is not working. Not with the problem of illnesses not responding to antibiotics and others simply without a medical cure at all.

        Around the world people are beginning to ask “why are we getting sick in the first place? And, how can we protect our family and those we love from disease? How can the cause of the problem be addressed and not just the symptoms”?

          Since drugs have lots of side effects, what are the safe alternatives to the traditional pharmaceutical approach to restore health in the body? Does the traditional allopathic healthcare system have the answer for chronic illness and disease? Not likely.

           In fact here are some alarming statistics from the year 2002.
      *     More than 196,000 people die and 2.2 million are injured each year by                                                                                       adverse reactions to prescription drugs, the third leading cause of death in the U.S.A.
     *          The annual death toll from hospitalization and out patient care exceeds                         424,000 per year.
     *       Retail prescription drug sales are rising at well over 18% from previous years.
      *      The highest increase of drug consumption is in the age group of children 2-5 years old.

        If you are looking to your family doctor to restore your health and longevity… You may be wasting your time, and sooner or later disappointed. Most doctors have been trained to treat the symptoms of disease, or even emergency medical problems at which they excel, but not preventative nutrition.

When we hear about major food corporations trying to sell us things that are not necessarily good for us, we think “Oh well, I guess it’s all about money”. Or if it’s a major oil company doing ongoing research, “just for our benefit”, we can see through that too, and realize that it’s really all about the bottom line. But, when we hear that (also in 2002) the combined profits of the 10 drug companies in the Fortune 500 were $35.9 billion (that’s more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together), we really do want to believe that these big corporations are trying to find a cure for all of our maladies…. Is it possible that treating a disease, ie: taking a pill for the rest of our lives, is more profitable for the drug company, than finding a cure at all?  Especially if that cure involves a non toxic plant source nutrient which is probably not even patentable.

According to the World Health Organization:  “There are two obstacles to vibrant health and longevity:  ignorance and complacency”.

I would like to help lift you out of complacency, and inspire you to learn about what you can do for yourself and your family with sometimes very little expense, and some non-toxic approaches to healthy living. Are you ready? See next post.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just beginning, please be patient, reply at will

Health Observations Blog

Hi!  This is Vernon, I am 64 years on this green earth, that G_d has blessed us with. I have a brother Arlie in Washington state whom I love very much, and we had a sister Lynette, who died in 1981 from breast cancer. It’s in her memory and love that I would like to speak with you about a journey towards better health, a worthwhile journey.

We have probably all heard the saying that “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”. Have you ever tried it? My brother eats probably two or three apples a day since moving to the northwest, and says that he hasn’t been sick at all since moving up there about 8 years ago. (Maybe he’s just been too busy with his lovely wife and family). When I was living in Florida, some 35 years ago, I met a man who was the head of maintenance in a large Hotel on the beach of Ft. Lauderdale. He told me that he had not lost a days work from sickness in 26 years. Wow!!  I asked him to what did he owe his good health? He said, “Oh I don’t know really, but I do eat a lot of apples”__ “Here have one” as he picked up one of many off his desk to hand me. My mother must have also believed this, as she used to peel and slice me an apple every morning for years and hand it to me in a small plastic bag as I headed out to work each day.

            Some may say, “why keep the doctor away”? “he gives me my medication for high blood pressure, my diabetes meds, and monitors my heart arrhythmia”. And as I have heard some say, “other than that, I am perfectly healthy”. If that is what you want, then fine, that is what you can have. Man kind has been blessed above the animal kingdom, we have the option to choose what is right for each of us on this journey called life.

            I would like to find a balance between seeing a doctor when I have a broken arm to set, and living my life more in tune with nature and avoiding medications which are toxic by necessity, or they would never pass the FDA approval board. (I understand, that every medication which passed the approval of the FDA, was first put through an LD50 test (among many others, of course) which means that the drug was first used on mice and the toxicity rating was set only after the dosage was increased until 50 mice died). Please correct me if I am wrong.

            You are never too young to start taking care of your health. You might ask, “Is that all I have to do is eat an apple every day? Unfortunately not, or we could all be healthy, as long as there were no apple viruses which would wipe out the crop. But, an apple a day might be a good place to start. I know, we would all rather eat a large milk chocolate bar every day, (I prefer mine with hazel nuts). Maybe you don’t like chocolate,
But, I think that you know what I mean.  Even, if you are not taking any medications, and on the last doctors’ visit, all of your results were within the borders of “normal”, I have rarely seen anyone who did not need to improve their education about better health.

            So, how can we achieve better health while living in a world where chocolate bars, potato chips, soft drinks, and other non essential foods abound on every shelf in life? That is why I am writing this blog. I have found at least some of the answers for myself, and I would like to share some of my observations with you, if by chance these may also help you. I hope that I am not too late in applying myself to “pen” these things to you.